
Your health check-up

Take care of yourself and your health – and benefit from regular, free preventive examinations. This way, you can make an active contribution to the early detection of disease risks.

Health check-up 35

From the age of 35, we pay for you to have a thorough check-up with your doctor every three years.

Skin cancer screening

From the age of 35, you can have free skin cancer screening with a dermatologist every two years. As an Audi BKK policyholder, you can have a screening performed by participating dermatologists from the age of 15.

Colon cancer screening

Between the ages of 50 and 54, you can have your bowel health checked at an annual colon and rectal examination. With Audi BKK, you can carry out colon cancer screening conveniently at home with a test kit from the age of 35.

Mammogram screening

Women aged between 50 and 69 can attend free breast cancer screening every two years.

Pregnancy check-ups

We assume the costs of numerous pregnancy-related services.

Paediatric examinations

In addition to statutory preventive paediatric check-ups, you can take advantage of other health and preventive services for your little ones.

Early detection

Women from the age of 20 and men from the age of 45 can have annual cancer screening. This is particularly important for smokers or people who have a family history of cancer.

Health courses and Health Week

It’s often easier to make exercise a more regular feature of your life if it’s part of an organised course or scheduled break. This is why we offer you numerous quality-assured exercise, relaxation, nutrition and addiction prevention courses and programmes through sports clubs, adult education centres, fitness studios and health centres. If you attend regularly (at least 80 per cent of course dates), we will reimburse you up to 100 euros per course for up to two courses per calendar year. For more information, please visit

If your everyday life demands a lot of you and you often find yourself stressed, taking a scheduled break away from it all might be more beneficial. This helps you replenish energy and gain new strength. With back therapy, spinal exercises, aquagym, Nordic walking and relaxation courses, the Audi BKK Health Week ensures the sustained improve- ment of your well-being. Under certain conditions, you can take part once a year. We contribute 200 euros to the price of your Health Week activities.

Health hotline and overseas emergency service

Our expert team of doctors and medical specialists are on hand to answer your questions round the clock on freephone +49 (0)800 2834 255. The health hotline can give you medical advice in German, English, French, Russian and Romanian. 

Do you have questions concerning specific illnesses or medicines? Are you confused about diagnoses or do you need information on travel vaccinations? This service provides comprehensive information on health, inpatient treatments, medical issues when travelling and how to prepare for medical appointments. Perhaps you also need assistance in finding a doctor or choosing the right hospital?

And we’re also here to help when you’re travelling.

Have you had an emergency abroad and have broken your leg while hiking or your child has suddenly fallen ill? Our global overseas emergency hotline on +49 841 887 777 provides fast and straightforward assistance round the clock. It goes without saying that we uphold complete patient confidentiality and data protection.

Online consultation with TeleClinic

We've all been there: sick at home, no power, the trip to the doctor's surgery is difficult. Is an on-site appointment with the doctor always essential?

We offer our policyholders a sensible alternative to a visit to the doctor:

With our partner TeleClinic, the doctor's consultation takes place conveniently and without long waiting times via the video consultation app. Another plus for you: you always have an overview of all treatment documents with the digital application. We cover the costs for the online doctor for you.

Don't you speak fluent German? Don't worry. TeleClinic also offers English doctor calls. You can indicate your preference in the medical questionnaire when requesting a treatment.

Go to the online doctor now